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🎧Podcasts for the weekend

🎧Podcasts for the weekend

A US-China trade war brews, how to banish trivial tasks and the return of the meme stock

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

A new study adds to the evidence that competition for eyeballs may be warping our sense of the world

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

Military activity blamed for surge in jamming and spoofing incidents affecting smartphones, planes and ships

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

People will have to work longer and pension systems will need to be transformed

Your daily dose of surprising stories expert opinions fresh perspectives

Editor's picks Sunday 19th May
🎧Podcasts for the weekend

🎧Podcasts for the weekend

A US-China trade war brews, how to banish trivial tasks and the return of the meme stock

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

A new study adds to the evidence that competition for eyeballs may be warping our sense of the world

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

Military activity blamed for surge in jamming and spoofing incidents affecting smartphones, planes and ships

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

People will have to work longer and pension systems will need to be transformed

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

How the fight to recover funds owed to Credit Suisse clients landed with coal baron Jim Justice and a small Virginia bank

How to crack the economics of EV charging

How to crack the economics of EV charging

Breaking the cycle of frustrated drivers and unprofitable charge points is doable

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Billionaire investor has concerns about rising financial burden, global conflict and growing possibility of ‘civil war’

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

The tussle for the venerable studio has been billed as the money men against the creatives, but the outcome may help decide who survives in the streaming era

Editor's picks Sunday 19th May
🎧Podcasts for the weekend

🎧Podcasts for the weekend

A US-China trade war brews, how to banish trivial tasks and the return of the meme stock

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

A new study adds to the evidence that competition for eyeballs may be warping our sense of the world

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

Military activity blamed for surge in jamming and spoofing incidents affecting smartphones, planes and ships

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

People will have to work longer and pension systems will need to be transformed

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

How the fight to recover funds owed to Credit Suisse clients landed with coal baron Jim Justice and a small Virginia bank

How to crack the economics of EV charging

How to crack the economics of EV charging

Breaking the cycle of frustrated drivers and unprofitable charge points is doable

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Billionaire investor has concerns about rising financial burden, global conflict and growing possibility of ‘civil war’

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

The tussle for the venerable studio has been billed as the money men against the creatives, but the outcome may help decide who survives in the streaming era

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The FT Edit app brings you articles that surprise and inspire, carefully chosen every weekday by FT editors.

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Editor's picks Sunday 19th May
🎧Podcasts for the weekend

🎧Podcasts for the weekend

A US-China trade war brews, how to banish trivial tasks and the return of the meme stock

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

A new study adds to the evidence that competition for eyeballs may be warping our sense of the world

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

Military activity blamed for surge in jamming and spoofing incidents affecting smartphones, planes and ships

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

People will have to work longer and pension systems will need to be transformed

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

How the fight to recover funds owed to Credit Suisse clients landed with coal baron Jim Justice and a small Virginia bank

How to crack the economics of EV charging

How to crack the economics of EV charging

Breaking the cycle of frustrated drivers and unprofitable charge points is doable

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Billionaire investor has concerns about rising financial burden, global conflict and growing possibility of ‘civil war’

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

The tussle for the venerable studio has been billed as the money men against the creatives, but the outcome may help decide who survives in the streaming era

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
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  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions


stories to spark new interests

The FT Edit app brings you articles that surprise and inspire, carefully chosen every weekday by FT editors.

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
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Editor's picks Sunday 19th May
🎧Podcasts for the weekend

🎧Podcasts for the weekend

A US-China trade war brews, how to banish trivial tasks and the return of the meme stock

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

How our sense of economic reality is being distorted

A new study adds to the evidence that competition for eyeballs may be warping our sense of the world

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life

Military activity blamed for surge in jamming and spoofing incidents affecting smartphones, planes and ships

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

Increased longevity will bring profound social change

People will have to work longer and pension systems will need to be transformed

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

The hunt for the missing Greensill billions

How the fight to recover funds owed to Credit Suisse clients landed with coal baron Jim Justice and a small Virginia bank

How to crack the economics of EV charging

How to crack the economics of EV charging

Breaking the cycle of frustrated drivers and unprofitable charge points is doable

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio warns of danger of US debt to Treasury market

Billionaire investor has concerns about rising financial burden, global conflict and growing possibility of ‘civil war’

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

Paramount: the takeover battle that could reshape Hollywood

The tussle for the venerable studio has been billed as the money men against the creatives, but the outcome may help decide who survives in the streaming era

  • 8 daily stories handpicked by FT Editors
  • Insightful reads on a wide range of topics
  • Save for later for a time that suits you
  • Never miss out with access to previous editions
  • Ad free content with no interruptions

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